The Horsemen of the Apocalypse and a Possible Geopolitical Connection

Everyone is familiar with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. What most people don’t know is that the word translated as “pale” in Revelation 6:8 is the Greek word khlōros and everywhere else where the word appears in the New Testament it is translated as “green grass” or “grass.” The colors of the four horsemen as as follows:





Is it possible that God was trying to point to geopolitical events in the end times? Look are the colors of the flags of the “Axis of Resistance” also known as the “Shiite Crescent” which we have extensively written about on this blog as possibly being the fulfillment of the latter day “kingdom of the north” that will attack and invade the land of Israel to fulfill the prophecies concerning the empire of the beast.

These are not only the colors of the nations that comprise the “Axis of Resistance” but they are the colors of several other Islamic nations.

Is all of this just a coincidence or was the Bible trying to point to very specific geopolitical events by mentioning the colors of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse? I’ll let you decide for yourself.