The King of Babylon is the Man of Sin

Pay very close attention to the following verses

All students of end time prophecy know that what Jesus referred to as the “Abomination of Desolation” spoken of by the prophet Daniel is what Paul alluded to as the man of sin who sill sit in the temple of God in 2 Thessalonians 2. This unique and anticipated prophetic event will take place on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem sometime in the near future.

What most have failed to realize is the connection that the man of sin has to the king of Babylon in Isaiah 14. The entire context of Isaiah 13 & 14 is about the future destruction of Babylon geographically located in the land of the Chaldeans during a time when the “sun, moon and stars will be darkened ” and when God will punish the world for its evil (Isaiah 13:10-11, Matthew 24:29-30) with the first verses in chapter 14 referring to the future and final restoration of Israel in the promised land and God’s punishment of their end time opressor known as the “king of Babylon”, the same Babylon whose future destruction is the entire context of these chapters and whose king is also called the “Assyrian” a few verses later. (Isaiah 14:25)

Maps of the land of Chaldea


Those who try to spiritualize the text and only see a reference to Satan or Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-15 have ignored the entire physical and geographical aspect of this prophecy. When you compare these chapters in Isaiah to other passages like Daniel 8, 11 and 12 which talk about the Abomination of Desolation and whose geographical context is the latter part of the “kingdom of the north” historically known as the Seleucid empire which must be revived and resurrected in its final form to fulfill the particular prophecy about the Abomination of Desolation, a clear picture emerges.

The last days opressor of Israel who will invade Jerusalem and sit as god on Mount Zion on the “sides of the north” known today as the Temple Mount to the Jews or as Haram al-Sharif to Muslims to fulfill the Abomination of Desolation prophecy must be a future ruler who will rise in a nation that is within the confines of ancient Babylon geographically located in the land of the Chaldeans which was also the center of the ancient Seleucid empire.

Map of the the Seleucid empire

We extensively covered the geographical aspect of this end time scenario in our book titled The Coming Bible Prophecy Reformation and there are other articles on this blog written almost a decade ago which are all related to this particular topic and will be linked below.